Teachers help create a positive and supportive school culture
As we begin another school year, we thought we’d take a look at what differentiates Redeemer Christian High School. Many schools offer good academic programs, opportunities for students to get involved in school life through intramural and extra-curricular activities, and qualified teachers. The Redeemer difference according to Paul Oueis, our interim principal, is found in the school culture; the values, beliefs and practices, as well as the activities and stories that make up the personality of the school.
Paul tells one story he believes captures the distinctive character of Redeemer. “I was amazed at the caring and dedication of Redeemer’s teachers and staff,” says Paul. “Their faithfulness and their commitment to the welfare of their students was exemplified in what I witnessed on the day before Registration Day. After I held a general staff meeting to prepare for the new school year, the teachers told me it is their practice to pray for the students before they start the new school year. They had a list of students in the courses they would teach and separated into small groups to pray. I joined one of the groups and listened in amazement as the teachers thoughtfully considered not only the academic strengths and struggles of each student, but also his or her social and emotional wellbeing. The teachers then prayed for every student in their care by name. What I saw was not a ritualistic or perfunctory exercise. This was a celebration of what God has done in the lives of their students and a passionate plea for His continued support, guidance, and protection.”
Research shows caring teachers help their students do better in school. The relationships between students and their teachers can foster or impede learning. A caring teacher is a driving force that motivates students to learn to their potential as they feel safe, loved, and challenged. According to Paul, a veteran school administrator with many years of experience in Christian education, “When all teachers and staff are genuinely interested in their students and demonstrate their love and respect for them, they collectively create a community of caring; a positive and supportive school culture. This, I believe, is the Redeemer difference.”